Public Health Reform Scotland

Public Health Reform work has been paused due to the local, regional and national demands of the COVID-19 pandemic. This account is no longer updated. For the latest information, visit Public Health Scotland

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Friday Feb 14, 2020

Cath Denholm Director of Strategy, NHS Health Scotland and Interim Head of Strategy, Governance and Performance, Public Health Scotland talks to Carolyn Hughes about some of the challenges and opportunities ahead for human rights and the public sector

Thursday Feb 13, 2020

The importance of getting plans right for communities to thrive is an issue being considered across Scotland in 2020. Recognised as part of the public health priorities, the role of place has arguably never been so important. In Glasgow's east end, Clyde Gateway is currently halfway through a 20 year programme which has a vision to address long-standing inequalities.

Wednesday Jan 29, 2020

The Renfrewshire Community Planning Partnership’s Alcohol and Drugs Commission is exploring new ways of tackling addiction by hearing first-hand from people with lived experience of using alcohol and drugs, and their family members, with a particular focus on early intervention and prevention. This podcast looks at issue relevant to public health priority 4.

Wednesday Jan 22, 2020

Dr Rachel McAdams has worked across various aspects of public health both locally and nationally and is the Public Health Reform lead on the development of our whole system approach to delivering the Public Health Priorities. In this episode, Rachel talks to Carolyn Hughes about the importance and benefits of whole system working to improve Scotland’s health.

Monday Dec 23, 2019

To improve Scotland’s health and wellbeing we need to work together to shift our focus to preventing ill health, reducing inequalities and working more effectively in partnership. This will require a different way of working that supports everybody, as part of a wider system, to move towards a shared vision for public health. This podcast looks at early adopters of public health reform's whole system approach and some of the broader challenges facing communities.

Friday Dec 20, 2019

Income inequality undermines opportunities for disadvantaged groups and individuals. Our health is intrinsically linked to our ability to participate fully in society and having the resources or the social connections to do so. This podcast looks at some of the major issues facing partners working to improve lives for communities under the banner of public health priority 5.

Thursday Dec 19, 2019

Scotland's fourth shared public health priority seeks to reduce the use of, and harm from, alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. West Dunbartonshire is currently taking a new approach and recently became the first area in Scotland to adopt public health reform's whole system approach to tackle substance use. This podcast outlines their approach.

Thursday Dec 19, 2019

Mental wellbeing is about both feeling good and functioning effectively, maintaining positive relationships and living a life that has a sense of purpose. It is shaped by our life circumstances, our relationships and our ability to control or adapt to the adverse circumstances we face. This podcast looks at work complementing public health priority 3 in Midlothian which promotes wellbeing in the community.

Wednesday Dec 18, 2019

We want Scotland to be the best place for a child to grow up. Scotland's second shared public health priority places particular emphasis on our early years, recognising that experiences in childhood, such as the impact of poverty, can have a significant impact on health outcomes throughout a person’s life. This podcast looks at some of the issues facing communities and some of the work already underway to change lives for the better.

Wednesday Dec 18, 2019

People in Scotland live in a variety of environments from cities, towns and villages, to large rural areas, coastal communities and islands. Where we live, work and play, the connections we have with others and the extent to which we feel able to influence the decisions that affect us – all have a significant impact on our health and wellbeing. This edition of the podcast looks at some of the issues being looked at to help change communities for the better.

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